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Upcoming MILEX Events

MILEX Winter Meeting

Please join us for the MILEX Winter meeting, to be held virtually on Friday, January 31, 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM. In addition to having a short business meeting, we’ll have Sarah Gilchrist’s program, “Teaching Current Events in the Information Literacy Classroom,” that will include a discussion of resources developed by Sarah and Hannah Park, a faculty member at American University, as well as guidelines for facilitating dialogue. We’ll have time for small group discussion about instructional approaches, so we’d like members to bring their ideas and be ready to discuss ways to center information literacy in conversations around current events. Zoom information will be emailed to members a few days before the meeting.

MILEX Musings: A Zoom Coffee Break with Colleagues

MILEX Musings Coffee Breaks return! Join your colleagues at an informal, half-hour coffee break in order to converse, collaborate, and commiserate. Pop in even for a few minutes, if you like. Open to everyone. Occurs the 2nd Friday of every month at 10:30 a.m. unless otherwise noted. Zoom logon information is shared by email close to each date.

MILEX Textiles & Tea

MILEX Textiles and Tea is an informal, online gathering for crafters and hobbyists to share their talents. No experience or craft needed - open to everyone! Pop in even for a few minutes, if you like. Occurs the 4th Friday of every month at 2:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted. Zoom logon information is shared by email close to each date.

Questions? Comments? Don't hesitate to contact Brandy Whitlock, MILEX Chair, at